Exercise Tutorial: Pec Fly

Table of Contents

    What Is a Pec Fly

    The Pec Fly (Pectoral Fly) is an exercise that targets the Pectoralis Muscles in the chest. The Pec Fly can be performed in different ways and is a great way to build muscle mass in the chest. 

    How to Do Pec Fly

    The Pec Fly is most often performed using a Pec Fly machine, but can also be performed using dumbbells. To perform the Pec Fly, you will need dumbbells and a bench. Follow these steps to learn how to perform the Pec Fly.

    1. Adjust your bench so that it is flat (incline of 0). Lie down on the bench on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Your feet will be flat on the floor on either side of the bench.

    2. Begin with your arms extended above the chest. Slowly begin to lower the arms to each side (perpendicular to the body). As you lower the arms, you will have a slight bend at the elbow. Lower both arms until the dumbbells are at shoulder height.

    3. Return to the starting position by engaging the chest and core to bring your arms back towards the ceiling. Repeat this movement for the required amount of repetitions and sets.

    You have now learned how to do the Pec Fly! 

    Pec Fly Form

    It can be really easy to have a breakdown in form when performing the Pec Fly. Breakdowns in form can happen over time, and you might not even notice that they are happening. This can result in injury, so we need to be aware of our movements! Be sure to follow these tips to achieve proper Pec Fly form:

    • Ensure your palms are facing each other.

    • Avoid arching your back on the bench.

    • Keep your elbows slightly bent.

    • Don’t let your elbows drop too far. 

    • Keep your feet flat on the floor.

    • Move the arms in a slow and controlled manner.

    Pec Fly Muscles Worked

    The primary muscle worked in the Pec Fly is the Pectoralis Major. Additional Pec Fly muscles worked include the Biceps Brachii and the Serratus Anterior.

    Pec Fly Benefits

    The Pec Fly has many benefits, which contribute to the effectiveness of this exercise. Some Pec Fly benefits include:

    • Opens up the chest.

    • Can reduce back pain.

    • Increased range of motion.

    • Increases muscle mass.

    • Increased muscular strength.

    • Promotes Scapular Retraction.

    Why Is A Pec Fly Useful

    The Pec Fly is a useful exercise because it can be performed using a machine, or on a bench. Performing the Pec Fly on a machine is great for beginners who are looking to specifically engage the chest and need confidence to perform the movement. Usually, performing the Pec Fly on a bench requires more stability. Completing the Pec Fly on a machine is also beneficial for those who have lower body injuries and will help to make pushing movements much easier!

    How Many Pec Fly Reps and Sets

    The number of recommended sets and reps for pec fly exercises varies based on experience level.

    • Beginners: Focus on 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

    • Intermediate to Advanced Users: Focus on 2-5 sets with a 6-20 repetition range.

    Remember, the amount of weight used also affects sets and reps.

    • Heavy Weight (70-80% of 1 rep max): Focus on 2-5 reps per set.

    • Lighter Weight (20-40% of 1 rep max): Focus on 8-12 reps per set.

    Rest time also depends on weight lifted.

    • Heavy Weight: Rest longer (2-3 minutes) to allow for proper recovery.

    • Lighter Weight: Rest less (30-60 seconds) to maintain muscle fatigue.

    Pec Fly Variations

    The Pec Fly has many different variations. Check out some Pec Fly variations below!

    Reverse Pec Deck Fly

    The Reverse Pec Deck Fly is when you sit facing the machine. Your arms will start in front of the body, and then move out to the sides. Make sure that your chest is flush to the pad throughout the entire movement!

    Pec Fly Machine

    The Pec Fly Machine is a piece of equipment that you use to perform the Pec Fly. You have a seat facing away from the machine with your back flush to the pad. Your arms will begin extended out towards the sides of the body, and then come in front of the body as you perform the Pec Fly.

    Cable Fly

    The Cable Fly is when you perform the Pec Fly using a cable machine. This is also known as the Cable Crossover. You can find our full exercise tutorial of the Cable Crossover here. 

    Dumbbell Pec Fly

    The Dumbbell Pec Fly is the variation that we described step by step above! We suggest performing the Dumbbell Pec Fly after you have learned the movement in the Pec Fly machine as the Dumbbell Pec Fly will require more stability.

    Incline Pec Fly

    An Incline Pec Fly is a Dumbbell Pec Fly that is performed on an inclined bench. You will still maintain the same form as the Dumbbell Pec Fly when you perform the movement. The Incline Pec Fly will engage the Upper Pecs more than the regular Dumbbell Pec Fly.

    Reverse Pec Fly

    The Reverse Pec Fly is the same as the Reverse Pec Dec Fly. You will sit facing towards the Pec Fly machine and perform the Pec Fly as usual.

    Pec Fly Rear Delt Machine

    The Pec Fly Rear Delt is just another term for the Reverse Pec Fly. The Reverse Pec Fly will also engage the Rear or Posterior Deltoid and the Trapezius. 

    Db Pec Fly

    Db Pec Fly stands for Dumbbell Pec Fly! This is the Pec Fly variation that we described step-by-step earlier in this article. 

    Lower Pec Cable Fly

    A Lower Pec Cable Fly will target the Lower Pecs. To do this, you will need to set the pulleys at a high angle. You can also target the Lower Pecs by completing a decline bench fly. 

    Pec Fly Alternatives

    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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