Exercise Tutorial: TRX Push Up
The TRX Push Up is an exercise to progress your push-ups and gradually build chest, arm, and core strength. It is very efficient and there are many variations you can perform to progress or regress at your current fitness level.

Exercise Tutorial: TRX Row
The TRX row is also referred to as the bodyweight row or suspension row. The TRX Row is a great exercise to create midline stability and strengthen the muscles of the upper and lower back. In addition, it strengthens your handgrip and engages your entire core musculature.

Exercise Tutorial: TRX Squat
The TRX is a great tool to assist your squat, especially if you’re a beginner or simply trying to improve your squat mechanics and/or technique. Here we will be breaking down how to do the TRX Squat, benefits, muscles worked, and variations.

Exercise Tutorial: TRX Reverse Lunge
The TRX Lunge is a great way to increase stability in the body with the assistance of a suspension trainer. Learn how to perform the TRX Lunge including additional TRX Lunge variations.